CRS has been looking to the future for more 160 years.

CRS – Cassa di Risparmio di Savigliano- was founded in 1858 as the first bank in the territory. Its vocation to collaborate with trade associations and in support of families, small and medium-sized enterprises, has resulted in the economic, social and cultural development of the local community. Indeed, it provides excellent banking and financial services with a great added value: people. People – those who work in the bank and the customers- represent the real and invaluable asset of this bank..

Cassa di Risparmio di Savigliano strongly believes in some values: education of saving money, responsible growth and territorial sustainability. These values show its willingness to feel the problems of other people as its own, while looking to the future with dynamism and innovation.

Today more than ever before, youngsters, adults, entrepreneurs, traders need someone who believes in them, support their ideas, invest in the future. This is CRS’s function: to draw from the roots of a solid bank, with the aim of generating new fruits to be redistributed throughout the territory.

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